I am a jewelry fan, not a professional. The jewelry I feature is jewelry I like. If I think it looks cheap, chintzy, or obviously fake I will not post it here. Honestly, it's hard to know the difference between real or fake from a picture,it's hard to tell with jewelry until you get your hands on it. Fortunately with eBay and Pay Pal, there is buyer protection where you can file a claim and get your money back in the case of fakes and counterfeits.
Some of the jewelry I post about will be new, some used. But always within my OCD opinion of good condition. Of course there are some shady sellers everywhere you go, others are disillusioned.... I once had a lady try to sell me an obvious souvenir item as authentic. No bargaining with that one.
The links I post are affiliated links. I am not an employee of the companies I link up, nor do they pay me to post. What I post is of my own free will, and while I can be compensated for my work, all my opinions are my own.